
The Tons is the largest and most important tributary of the Yamuna and flows through the Garhwal region. touching Himachal Pradesh. It rises in the snow fields beyond the valley of Har Ki Dun. Tons is born from the meeting of two streams, namely the Supin and Rupin streams. These two converge near Naitwar, and the consequent flow gives birth to the Tons River. The famous Duryodhan Temple in Jakhol is located on the banks of this river.

River Tons is well known for its several river camps and thanks to its many rapids, it is fast becoming a major destination for adventure sports like white water rafting. The typical season for rafting in Tons lasts till July. The river rafting style on the Tons is quite different from most Himalayan rivers. The majority of rapids here are best described as medium volume, ‘boulder garden’ in style. The river is uninterrupted and quite steep, making it best suited for rafters wanting a physical challenge as well for expert kayakers.